Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I-ACT Involvement with Other Organizations and Information on Social Media

Dear I-ACT Members,

I-ACT has represented your interest in the field of colon hydrotherapy for the past 22 years. In recent months, there have been other organizations representing the interest of colon hydrotherapy and inviting individuals to join their organization. Such organizations share a common interest in supporting the various actions and activities of colon hydrotherapy. This bodes well for the practice of colon hydrotherapy. Although I-ACT is not affiliated with any other colon hydrotherapy organizations, questions have surfaced regarding the status of I-ACT in relation to these other organizations. This write-up is for your reference to help clarify the issue.

What is I-ACT

  • It is a not for profit organization, without commercial interest. It does not endorse or represent any commercial products or services.
  • I-ACT was established in 1989 and has served its members for the past 22 years.
  • I-ACT is an international association with a total membership of approximately 2400 members, 80% US members and 20% International members.
  • I-ACT is governed by a Board of Directors voted in by the general membership. Elections are held every two years.
  • Through its various committees, I-ACT develops key activities such as scientific, public relation, education and other programs relevant and useful to colon hydrotherapists.
  • I-ACT established the NBCHT in year 2000, offering a National Certification Exam to members.
  • Professionalism and standards are maintained with a structured training leading to four levels of certification: Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and Instructor level.
  • I-ACT remains active in pursuit of legislative actions to gain licensing advantage for the practice of colon hydrotherapy.
  • Activities for members to meet for education, information and social interaction are organized through Regional meetings in the USA and internationally. An Annual convention is also organized for a similar purpose.
  • A quarterly newsletter is published to provide members with information and news of interest in the field of colon hydrotherapy.
  • I-ACT remains active in advocating for the rights of colon hydrotherapists by maintaining close communication with regulatory agencies and governing bodies.
  • I-ACT continues to explore new avenue of activities to serve the interest of members. It recognizes the need for new avenues to encourage communication with and by members. Plans are in place to make better use of the internet and the opportunity presented by social network and related services. Watch out for our new service.
  • Finally, I-ACT is not affiliated with any other colon hydrotherapy organization. Therefore I-ACT members are reminded that they are free to join any other colon hydrotherapy grouping but their participation and involvement in activities of these other grouping is strictly on a personal basis and they do not represent I-ACT in any official capacity.
Members are invited to write in personally to any member of the Board or to the office if they have any personal issues that they wish to address.
Additionally, I have asked Dorothy Chandler to provide information on the use of the social network sites and the information that you should consider when using those sites. The letter from Dorothy follows.

Yours in I-ACT

Pam Craig, B. Sci.
I-ACT President

Social Media Do's and Don'ts

Greetings I-ACT Family,
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging are amazing tools of communication. We are using Social Media tools to connect with our fellow colon hydrotherapist, our clients, our friends and family.

Wikipedia says: "Social Media is the use of electronic and internet tools for the purpose of sharing and discussing information and experiences with other human beings."

While researching this topic, I was reminded of "Miss Manners"; a weekly news column that provided the Do's and Don'ts related to the social graces. We were informed of what to wear and which fork or spoon to use, how to sit and how to talk. When you read this column, you were prepared for every possible social situation that might be encountered. Social Media has its own manners-accepted behaviors to consider as you board this train for what can be an amazing journey. The choice is yours.

Here are a few of those social graces for social media to consider.
  • DO Google your name - There's a ton of information that can tell any interested party a lot about you online including tweets, instant message, blogs, and the content and photos you post on social networking sites. If you've placed anything on the internet it stays there forever. Think about those YouTube videos.
  • DO think before "speaking." - Yes, social media involves the ability to publish your thoughts instantly. But just because something pops into your head, it doesn't mean it should be shared with the world. Think first.
  • DON'T get into an argument with anyone - If someone is critical of a comment you've made or a service you've provided first take a breath, then acknowledge his or her comment as positively as possible, offer a solution then move on. Avoid the "He Said-She Said" dialogue, this never produces a winner.
  • DON'T post information about or questionable photos of others without their permission. - Regardless of whether or not you obtain the information from a reputable source don't post anything questionable or compromising of someone else unless you check with them first. Even if it's their bio. It's just the right thing to do. ASK FOR PERMISSION FIRST
  • DON'T post information that is not based on fact. The internet is an amazing tool. Use it to educate your network on the anatomy and physiology of the digestive tract, healthy eating lifestyle etc; Look for health, nutrition articles to share. Avoid making claims.
  • DON'T give medical or health advice- Avoid answering questions related to medical/health concerns or making suggestions. Refer the person to their health care provider, PROTECT YOURSELF
  • DO use your real name whenever possible. - Use a recognizable name (such as a common pen name everyone already knows for you). When you interact anonymously, very little holds you accountable for your actions and words. DON'T HIDE
  • DO listen to what others have to say. - Conversations are two-way streets. Practice good listening skills.
  • DON'T "go after" competitors. -Avoid taking part in social media sabotage - trying to bury a fellow therapist by pretending to be an unhappy customer for example or making statements against them as if they these statements are based in fact.
  • Do enjoy this amazing medium of communication- Be responsible with you words "WHAT'S PLACED ON THE INTERNET, STAYS ON THE INTERNET"

With Appreciation
Dorothy M Chandler RN
I-ACT President Elect

Social Media Etiquette J Marten July 2010
Top 10 Social Media Do's and Don'ts
How (and How Not) to Use Social Media to Job Search, By Alison Doyle, About.com Guide

We hope this information is of value for you. Feel free to check out the I-ACT web site at www.i-act.org, go to the members only section - password is "iactmember".

Stay in touch with us and let us know what we can do to help you make your business better.

Have a great day.

Dick Hoenninger
Executive Director

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